Daycare prices

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There are two price formulas in nurseries :

The cost of childcare depends on various factors, the main one being the number of hours per day and per week. But we can make another distinction on the type of pricing of these:


 Prices in subsidized nurseries :

The hourly rate of these childcares also depends directly on net household income.

In Belgium, the cost can therefore vary, depending on the region, from a few euros to around forty euros.

Pricing depends on the region subsidizing the childcare centre. You will be able to find our summary information corresponding to the region in the language of the associated region, namely for the Flemish Region and  for the Wallonia-Brussels federation.

 Prices in independent nurseries :

The hourly price is free, depending on the services provided and defined independently by each venue.

In this case, it will not be reduced according to household income. Do not hesitate to negotiate the daily rate a little.

Some people sometimes agree to reduce the price a little depending on your situation, if several children are registered, etc… Over several years, that counts!



Tax deduction info for nurseries costs :

Parents can deduct the costs of the nursery for tax purposes.

To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  • The child is dependent on you for tax purposes.
  • The amounts are paid to institutions or persons recognized by the authorities, by the ONE, schools, independent host families, etc.
  • The parent (the household) requesting the reduction must have professional income (salary, pension, unemployment, etc.).
  • The required certificate provides proof of custody and the amount paid.

► You can claim a maximum of 14.40 euros per day of care and per child under 14 (21 in the event of a severe handicap) for the year 2022 (tax year 2023).

► You can claim a maximum of 15.70 euros per day of care and per child under 14 (21 in the event of a severe handicap) for the year 2023 (tax year 2024).

The tax reduction amounts to at least 45% of these expenses (and up to 75% for “single” parents with a low income).

You must mention these expenses (taking into account the limit) in box X, section B, code 1384 of your tax return. The tax reduction (45%) is calculated automatically.

Info taken from the finance administration website HERE & example of calculation (data to be checked for the last update)